Monday, October 20, 2008

Post Production Workflow / Damage Control

Below is the latest post production workflow for the project. It also serves as a bit of a guide as to where we are at. Unfortunately we're at a point where we are approaching submission and are not in a good position to deliver the whole thing.

As a result we are looking to cut down the amount we deliver and just complete the first 6 scenes, which is pretty much the first act. This will give us something more realistic to work towards and reduce the risks of nervous/mental breakdown. This will still amount to about 5 minutes of animation and will still be a challenge.

So how did it come to this? Well despite careful planning throughout the year and regular reviews of our progress it just comes down to it being too much work for 1 animator, 1 producer and 1 sound guy. Because despite something looking good on paper, it didn't play out that way in real life. Freelance work commitments cropping up, software errors and glitches causing back tracking, the need for revisions and sleep to name a few things. Basically there wasn't enough time given to things going wrong, which was inevitable.

What started out as a little snowball gradually grew into one of considerable size that has finally caught up to us.

Another reason we decided to continue with the project despite its length was our belief in the story. Unfortunately my pre-production side was not very sympathetic to my production side. At the beginning of the year the focus was purely on the story, and while planning was done for production, in retrospect it was a little optimistic. And while I'm not making excuses, the course is centered around film so while concerns were raised about the length they were not enforced.

As a point of comparison a prominent animation school in France for its last year has a major project of creating a short animation. Most of the projects run between 2-3 minutes and have groups of 5-6 students trained in all areas of animation. Projects can be seen at the Gobelins Animation page.

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